Friday, May 27, 2016

Why Molds Thrive After a Flooding Incident

All about flooding and Mold Growth


The dangers of mold growth after flooding occurs. (Photo Credits)

When a flooded home or commercial structure has not been properly dried out after a flooding incident, mold growthtake place in as short as 48 hours. Find a Flood Removal specialist

ABC15 News says flood removal should not be taken lightly.

“But in time if those damp walls and floors aren’t properly dried out, mold build-up can cause serious respiratory issues, especially for people with allergies.”

Read the rest of the post here.

More warnings

Oklahoma’s Own also has its own share of warnings, as it quoted the Red Cross in giving homeowners advice on what to do after a flooding occurs.

“The Red Cross said cleaning works on hard surfaces, but drywall, carpets and furniture usually cannot be cleaned well enough to eliminate the mold. The Red Cross said the proper way to clean mold is to: (1) Keep the room ventilated, if possible; (2) Always wear a mask, goggles and gloves. (3) To create a cleaning solution, mix one cup of bleach with one gallon of water; (4) Wipe down all items that can be cleaned with your bleach solution, and then rinse with plain water. (5) Clean everything, including floors, walls, appliances, doors and any items with hard surfaces.”

Read more tips here.

The State meantime gave its readers warning signs of mold growth.

“Mold sometimes appears as a tiny black spot, though it can come in several different colors, and often is too tiny to be detected by the naked eye. A musty smell often accompanies the presence of mold, and experts say the smell can be an indication that microbial growth is already underway, even though the growth is not visible.

Unchecked mold growth leads to poor indoor air quality, experts say, and breathing mold is unhealthy.”

Read more here.

Has your house ever been flooded? How did you make sure everything has been thoroughly dried out?

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